Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In Full Swing

So we are off to the races with the new academic year and all that it brings musically. Church choir began a couple weeks ago and it was nice to see everyone back at it and to welcome a couple newcomers. The instrumental accompaniment music at All Saints continues to shine with MSU doctoral candidate, Sandy Consiglio on oboe and conducting the choir. Tamara Hicks-Syron also joins Sandy and solos. Many of their pieces are arranged by composer-in-residence, Don Hoopingarner. We are fortunate to have these wonderful musicians with us. They add a layer of beauty already apparent in the liturgy. Sundays at 10am, 800 Abbot Rd., East Lansing, Michigan.

Another highlight for the fall is to participate in the Michigan State University Choral Union .

This group, under the direction of Dr. David Rayl, performs large choral works with the Lansing Symphony or MSU Symphony 3 to 4 times a year. This fall the group is performing Leonard Bernstein's, "Chichester Psalms" and several Aaron Copeland pieces.

Another favorite venue back for the season is the Ten Pound Fiddle Coffeehouse. Since 1975, the Ten Pound Fiddle Coffeehouse has been East Lansing's home to a concert series known for evenings of enriching, quality entertainment, with some 30 weekly concerts & monthly contra dances each season.

The Fiddle concert venues are intimate, featuring international performers from folk, Celtic, Blues, Cajun, and traditional roots music. The Fiddle is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization; admissions are very affordable; free parking is nearby; concert halls always have clear views of the stage; and performers always sign CDs and chat after concerts.

This year the booking duties have been shared by my friends Sally Potter and Arie Koelewyn; they feature many fine acoustic performers including
- 9/26/2008 - Claudia Schmidt

- 10/3/2008 CD Releases for Kitty Donohoe and Doug Berch
- 10/4/2008 Contra Dance
- 10/10/2008 Robin and Linda Williams
- 10/17/2008 Alberta Adams: Detroit's Queen of Blues
- 10/24/2008 Tret Fure
- 10/31/2008 Chuck Brodsky

- 11/1/2008 Contra Dance
- 11/7/2008 Emma's Revolution: Pat Humphries and Sandy O.
- 11/14/2008 Seth Bernard and Daisy May
- 11/21/2008 Pat Donohue
- 11/29/2008 Advanced Contra Dance

- 12/1/2008 Contra Dance
- 12/1/2008 English Dance
- 12/5/2008 Bryan Bowers
- 12/12/2008 Holiday Community Sing, hosted by Sally Potter
- 12/31/2008 New Years Contra Dance

- 1/3/2009 Contra Dance
- 1/16/2009 Joel Mabus
- 1/23/2009 Small Potatoes
- 1/30/2009 Jen Sygit and Friends / CD releases party
- 1/31/2009 Contra Dance

- 2/6/2009 Mid Winter Singing Festival with Christine Lavin
- 2/7/2009 Mid Winter Singing Festival with Christine Lavin
- 2/13/2009 Lou & Peter Berryman
- 2/20/2009 Tim Thompson with Siusan O'Rourke & Zig Zeitler
- 2/27/2009 Ann Arbor's Dick Siegal/ Lansing's Edward Groves Band opens

- 3/6/2009 Dennis Stroughmatt et l'Esprit Creole
- 3/7/2009 Contra Dance
- 3/13/2009 John McCutcheon
- 3/20/2009 Ruth & Max Bloomquist and Luke Winslow-King
- 3/27/2009 Nervous But Excited and Breathe Owl Breathe

- 4/3/2009 Sparky and Rhonda Rucker
- 4/4/2009 Contra Dance
- 4/17/2009 Nobody's Darlin'
- 4/24/2009 Singing night with Pat Madden

- 5/1/2009 Steppin' In It and Rachael Davis
- 5/2/2009 Contra Dance
- 5/8/2009 John Gorka/Susan Werner

As you can see...much to do, much to see. In addition to these fine local opportunities I'll be checking out the Indigo Girls at the State Theatre in Kalamazoo on Saturday, October 4 and Girlyman on Wed. the 8th at the Ark in Ann Arbor.

Have you been listening to Doug Neal on Progressive Torch and Twang? What a great radio show hosted by Doug and Corrine on Tuesday nights 8p-10p on WDBM 88.9 FM.


The All Saints Coffeehouse returns October 24, 7:30p-9:30p. We've had 3 months off and it's time to get back to it. Look for many of the regulars including a reading by Diedre Barker, Celtic music from Tammy Syron, Don Hoopingarner and yours truly and much more.

See you then.

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