Monday, June 27, 2011

U2 Could Have Been There!

Florence Welch
Ah....what a night. As Nicky and I sat in our self-proclaimed, "excellent seats" watching and listening to  Florence & the Machine (opening act) finish their set you really couldn't not notice this amazing stage in front of you.  I have about 15 photos to show this blog I'll try to do them in order.  First off, Florence:

Great dress for the stage... flowing in the wind

U2 joined the stage virtually spot on time (scheduled for 8:45pm and were all on stage by 8:50).
Fantastic stage...amazing
Edge and Bono
Bono on the "Crosswalk"
It was loud and surprisingly clear, at least as far as hearing and understanding Bono.  But really, it was the "experience" that mattered here.  You were among 65,000 people who universally, pretty much, adored this band and just being part of it.
As the night descended, the stage just became more of a focal point.  Earlier the top part of the stage was a "message board" with world "facts" scrolling across...mostly with socio-political items e.g. how many barrels of oil used today.  Fascinating to watch and debate/chat about.  Pretty sure that was the point of the messages!
"Cigarettes smoked worldwide today"
The music did not disappoint...loud, a little muddy and hit after hit. All with a fantastic light show emanating from the massive stage.  Band members were able to walk around the entire stage...playing to different parts of the stadium...regardless of where you sat.  Pretty cool.
Bono and Edge
Edge and Bono

The "Edge"